On this website you will find information for White Oak.
After you review this page please click on Register on the top right. You will then need to complete the required information on the next screen. You will then be sent an email with a link to set your password. After you create your password and log in, you will be able to view your account, view events on the community calendar, find contact information in the directory, view documents, submit Architectural Forms and much more!
The closest shopping area to the community is StoneCrest. There are several places to eat, shop and explore!
The elementary school is Endhaven, the middle school is South Charlotte Middle School, and the high school is South Mecklenburg High School.
The closest parks are Big Rock Nature Preserve and William R. Davie Park. The closest greenway is Four Mile Creek Greenway: Johnston Road to Rea Road. This greenway should soon be connected to our community.